By the way, we all returned from La Roche en Ardenne last night. What a beautiful place! It only rained 1 1/2 times so we got to spend a decent amount sightseeing from the saddle. more on the trip soon...
Op zaterdag 19 april 2008 organiseert EVA Sport in Brussel een lezing en filmvoorstelling over plantaardige sportvoeding. De veganistische wielrenster Christine Vardaros zal het hebben over de mythen rond plantaardige voeding voor atleten. Daarna kan je kijken naar 'Vegan fitness, built naturally', een documentaire waarin Brendan Brazier, Tonya Kay en Robert Cheeke je tonen hoe ze leven, eten en sporten als veganistische topatleten. De exacte locatie en het aanvangsuur worden zo snel mogelijk op de EVA-website gezet of kunnen opgevraagd worden via Website:
Sounds real interesting, and awesome that you have been asked to speak. Both my wife and I are huge animal lovers and cannot reconcile eating meat with our concience, yet we still do it... :(
(Will power and education on alternatives I guess, there is no excuse really)
I hope your talk all goes well.
PS How can it rain 1 and 1/2 times??? :)
I bumped into your blog awhile back and have enjoyed reading it! I've lived in Leuven 19 years also an EVA member and hope to come and hear you speak on the 19th!
Hey chr15: i really appreciate your honesty! Yeah, the breaking point for me - when i decided no more eating animals - was when i realized people eat cats just like mine in other countries as if they were cows. I never thought of my cat as an animal before that moment. BTW, the half of rain was a day of drizzle where you couldn't quite tell if it was raining.
Hey amy:
Yippee! Glad you may be able to make it. Please do introduce yourself if you go. I LOVE leuven - it is my 3rd favorite town in the world.
Now I'm curious, what are the top two? :)
I have not yet been able to figure out where and when the event in Brussels will take place on the 19th, do you know any details (nothing up on the EVA website yet)? I'm really looking forward to being there, and I'll be sure to say hi!
hi Amy:
Thanks for your interest in attending the event!! They finally secured the location and are announcing it on their EVA site tomorrow! All i know is that it will be held at the VUB - whatever that is. i will surely keep you informed.
Thanks again!
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