with a boatload of pannekoeken (belgian pancakes!)
This morning i made a stack of yummy vegan pancakes - skinny belgian style and paired them with a dozen toppings such as maple syrup - of course, blueberry jam, cherry jam, brown sugar, powdered sugar, dark chocolate and vanilla soy pudding, sliced bananas, apples and plums, dark chocolate sprinkles. I sat there at the table for about an hour putting together every random combination imaginable. Rolling the pancakes up in traditional pannekoek style was half the fun.
I think the winner combo was vanilla soy pudding, banana slices, and maple syrup. Runner up was cherry jam with dark chocolate sprinkles. But frankly they were all incredible! And washing it all down with rich creamy french press coffee just about sent me "naar de maan.!" (to the moon.)
After filling my belly to the max, I went for my first ride in a few days. I knew it would be cold since it's been hovering around freezing the past days. But today I was in for a bonus - the second i stepped outside, the ice pellets arrived. They were the ones that hit your face like zings of ice but immediately turned into water upon impact.
I almost never mind riding in rain; it's the post-ride cleanup that really blows. It is especially inconvenient when you ride in Belgium because the roads are usually covered in mud, cow dung and random construction materials. Vanderkitten did a great job in designing the kits for this type of riding, though, since most of the material is brown. After today's ride, all you could see though the mud was the white of the kitty head and the pink plaid pattern. To keep the bright light of the sun (ok, i was being optimistic) away from my concussion-sensitive eyes, I sported a pair of huge-ass Jackie-O glasses. Sexy. Purr... hahaha!
Tomorrow is another day...thank GOD!
vegan pancake? flour + water + other bits + heat = tortilla, non?
more vegan = less cow = less cow shit to ride or hike through
now i have a legit reason to stay vegan.
You need some cateye sunglasses to complete the look!
yeah - recipe...
need recipe :D
...yum...ah, thats the pancakes, not the mud n' cowshit...
Baking powder?
What you need is the usual self-raising flour, soya milk instead of cow's milk, and a couple of teaspoons of soya flour as an egg replacer. Some people add a spoon of oil too.
Pannekoeken recept
200 gram flour
.5 liter soy or rice milk (i used powdered almond milk
50 g margarine - coconut oil tasted great too!
egg-replacer equivalent to 2 eggs - or tapioca starch - OR just eliminate it altogether
1.5 tbs brown sugar
Barely mix ingredients together then spread it on a hot pan covered in a little oil or margarine. Try to get the batter to be as thin as possible on the pan. Flip and eat.
good think i got this cooking scale...
Try mixing some applesauce into the batter, too.
tomorrow i may make banana french toast. I just can't wait to go to sleep!
Aha, I see you also enjoyed the fine Belgian weather.. :)
My bike looked like crap when I came home on thursday . The backroads are muddy slimy and outright dangerous, especially in the evening when I'm out there.
i am in the woods tomorrow. Good thing because the wind will be a 7. I think that equates to over 100kph?
Oh, thanks for the vegan pancake recipe! If Belgian pancakes are anything like Dutch pancakes, I'm very excited. Especially since in my Dutch lessons, there was a whole chapter(!) on ordering pancakes. It's the only thing I remember about that whole language--talking about pannenkoek.
By the way, a bunch of vegan (non-pro) athletes started a group blog called www.sportyvegans.blogspot.com. I'd be honored if you want to join or comment. Drop me an e-mail through my profile page if you're interested :-)
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