See, it's in print so it must be true! This was in
SHAPE Magazine's July Issue. I had submitted the information to them so long ago that I had almost forgotten about it until a recent workout on wet roads. My rear tire slid around a turn - just enough to get the adrenaline flowing in preparation for a possible fall. Luckily I was better off than the gal shown in the drawing to the right.
The article may be little, but it gave me enough interaction with
SHAPE Mag to easily see that the gals there are a lot of fun to work with - a very pleasant experience. Hopefully I will have more opportunities to write for them.
Yeah, and don't wear a tank-top or sleeveless shirt mountain biking, lest you want some nice scraps on your shoulders (speaking from experience)
I prefer the sexier body than the possible road or trail rash and possible spinal injury. I go take a test down in Little Rock next Wednesday for a possible new job with ATT. I'm a little un sure. I wish I didn't have to travel so far, but I am willing to take to effort to improve my circumstances.
Well, I decided that I could not afford to travel as I had an un expected scare this morning and ended up spending most of my cash at the doctor. I met my friend Amy the doctor and she check my blood pressure. It was dangerously high and was instructed to get to my primary physican right away. The clinic that Amy was in didn't handle blood pressure issues for some reason, and I ended up going to a local medi clinic as I couldn't get a hold of my doctor. After a thorough exam, I was put on medication and I will have blood test in two weeks. I had to call ATT and tell them I just couldn't make it to the test site 200 miles away. Now all I want to do is chill, as I didn't get any sleep last night. Too much drama. One positive thing, the first doctor, Amy was a charming and beautiful woman, and took the time to check me out. The health check was free. I went to shake her hand before leaving and she gave me a hug instead. I needed it.
Good stuff
Best of all is avoiding crashing
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