Friday, March 23, 2007

What did we do before the iPod?

Since I have a bad memory for pain, i cannot remember.

Many years ago, I interviewed a friend named Marla Streb (super mega talented pro mtb racer)for an article. I asked her to share her secret for staying motivated to race yet another year since she's been doing it a long time. Her response was, "I discovered the iPod." On today's ride, I knew exactly what she meant.

As i was riding along listening to all new tunes for the first time in over a year, one of my favorite songs started to play. I was so excited that bike-dancing (you know, when you bob your head to and fro in time with the alternating elbow bends) just wouldn't cut it. So i pulled to the side of the road, got off the bike and danced my heart out. I was smiling, laughing and singing at the top of my lungs so much that my jaw still hurts! I'm thinking i probably shouldn't make a habit of it in my "one-of-a-kind" Prune kit! There are enough people out there already who think I'm a wack factor!

For all you iPod geeks out there, check out the new iPod accessory that helps you to NEVER miss a mobile call again:


Anonymous said...

oh my, did you REALLY pull over and start dancing???

that is just too cool.

PEANUT said...

indeed i did. I've actually done it a few times but not in a while. I should probably not be confessing this on my blog for fear that some of my riding partners may read this!

Anonymous said...

There is no way that I could indure my winter indoor training w/out the Ipod!

Unknown said...

Whoaaaaaaaa !!!! Damn shame I haven't seen that ....

~ lauren said...

i have to agree. thank god for the iPod.

and that's hilarious that you danced!

Anonymous said...

I, for one, have personally witnessed a Peanut Dervish Moment. It was in the middle of a soccer pitch, while she was doing running drills for cyclo-cross. What was playing on that 'pod, one wonders? "My Doorbell"? "Morning Bell"? "Ring My Bell"? "Blue Bell Knoll"? Chris Bell?
-- E.C. Chamberlain