Yesterday i read about a couple of hotties on the infamous Vanderhoot blog. Since i can't add a hottie to his blog, I'm adding one to mine!
These photos of Flandria are just HOT! Love the tattoo/girly-girl skirt combo. And considering i am typing this from my apartment in Belgium, I am especially intrigued that she chose the Lion of Flanders.
Extra points for being vegan.
go to http://flandria2007.blogspot.com and you will find her.
peanut, you have to forgive my other vegan half...velocycling - he is just being silly :-)
Flandria, you MUST admit you ARE HOT AND one of a kind! When velocycling posted that question, i figured i'd screwed up the link to your blog.Now it makes sense. Glad to see you're with someone who truly appreciates you! Now where can IIIIIII find someone like THAT? haha.
Flanders is a land ... not a part of a land pffffff
I went to oostduinkerke for the first competition, and the guy told me I'm foreigner!!
When I told him I come Belgium, he answered : Wallonie (French part) is not Belgium !!!
And I have my foreigner identification card to ride in Flanders...
adeline...i wish I can read your blog!
I should start learning a foreign language this summer...sigh
hey Adeline:
Wow, sorry that happened to you. Unbelievable. What ignorance!!
adeline's experience...is that common in Belgium?
No, it is not common for the registrations officials to be untoward. His aggressions may have stemmed from the different political views that the two sections of Belgium seem to have. They also have slightly different cultures according to many belgians i've spoken with. BUT from my own personal experience the wallones are closer in culture to the flemish section than to France,ie. I am NOT any type of authority, though. I just live here. Either way, that guy was clearly an ignorant ass.
i see...thanks for the explanation!
I forgot to explain : He refused to give me my back number ... all flamish was passing before me !! I had back number 35 and I was in the first !!! I had to speak for a long time before he accept... He wasn't happy !! And ... no one waalse in the results (I'm 26/89 ... nobody know that!!)
Wow, what a tragic story! ZOT (of Foo?) I have no idea how to spell "crazy" in french. What finally convinced them that you were Belgian? Did you speak flemish to them? Maybe they don't realize that their country is actually twice the size they think it is! hihihihi!
In French : FOU
they weren't happy because Flemish had to pay their license and not us !! hum ... 110 euro I've paid mine!!
It was an obligation for these guys to give us a back number, Belgian of no ...
Again, FOU (but spelled correctly!) In usa, we pay $150 (about 108 euros?)Oh, and we have to pay for World Championships out of our own pockets!! I wish the federations would support the athletes more than they support their own wallets! Just a thought...
While I do like the tattoo, it's just a tad too big for my liking. I would have liked it to be about half the current size.
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