Here is what they wrote about the pre-registration of the women, U-23's and Elite men:
15/12: De voorinschrijvingen van de reeksen Dames, Beloften en Elites lopen als een trein, zo konden we reeds 25 rensters voorinschrijven, let ook op de opmerkelijke inschrijving van Christine Vadaros, reeds enkele malen aan de start van de Krawatencross.
TRANSLATION: Pre-registration of the women, u-23 and elites run like a train, we already have 25 racers pre-registered, also take notice of the remarkable registration of Christine Vardaros, who has already started a few times at Krawatencross.

I think they said "the pre-reg ... runs like a train", unless they already anticipate that you'll take the race by the storm!
Best of luck to you in '09!
yes, that is what i wrote "the pre-reg runs like a train." I dont see the difference between what you wrote and what i wrote. Please clarify. I very well could have made a mistake.
You must be a household name in 'cross in Europe! Great mention.
Love the question in yesterday's interview
"10. Describe the first time you shaved your legs."
Even inspite of being a bike racer I thought it was a strange question to ask a woman.
Hey that's cool! I hope the race goes well for you - run like a rain!
hahahahaha - Train, i wrote Rain. i mistyped. haha. uh-duh. thanks henry. Now I see the humor in your storm joke. again, uh-duh.
Yeah, run like a rain. oh boy.
Chr15 - the truth is that i only shave for races. i really hate shaving. The recent -12°C weather here is a godsend - no shaving for a while. I dont know how you guys do it - shaving your face every single day. I'd be a mountain man or get electrolysis on my face.
Christine, your famous! Nemo, Coe Coe, and Chocolate would be great friends, but she could only dream of being Belgium and a crossbike like her heros, her brown Belgium friends. I once was thinking about shaving my legs and my estranged wife's comment was, oh that would be like you wearing my underware. Since living alone now, I said, what the hey, I'll try it, and I actually thought it was pretty cool, and other women bikers kind of like it. Go figure.
Christine - I shave for the way it feels beneath my work suit! ha! It is a little strange after letting it grow for a while, but kind of nice... enough of my fetishes! ;)
Your right about the temperature though, not quite -12 here I think we had a -10, with a sprinkling of snow, but I was out riding in it on Sunday morning, put a couple of hours in on the road in sub-zero temps.
I have grown a beard over Christmas, so at the mo I'm shaving my legs more than I shave my face... it certainly helps keep the cold off your face (but i guess that doesn't help you!) I really suffer with cold hands, so I have ordered up some Pro xpert WP gloves to see if they live up to their claim, i'll let you know!
Oh yeah, I have just been accepted into the Probar sponsership programme too :)
Hey rickie
yes, the chicks absolutely dig shaved legs! keep it up!
chr - congrats on probar! Wow! And i can imagine how shaved legs would feel cool under a suit as it may remind you that you have a life outside of the confines of the restrictive garments. You can tell i love suits, huh.
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