Tomorrow the Champion team clothes come...again. Hopefully they will be the ones intended for me this time. A few days ago i got teammate Veerle Ingels
clothes by accident. I figured it out when i opened the box and pulled out what looked like barbie doll clothing. They were so tiny i couldnt even try them on to see if there was any way i could swing it. Oh, to be as small as i could wear the clothes right away!
After Jonas and I get the clothes, we are heading over to the mobile home store to order an awning for the travel van - one of my priorities. Being able to stay dry at the races is such a luxury! Two weeks ago we got one of Jonas' priorities - cruise control.
Last Sunday our 6 hr MTB relay race went really well! We were 2nd place mixed team and i
personally won a year's supply of Persil brand clothing detergent for being the fastest girl - or was it the girl who traveled the farthest to be there, all the way from America! We weren't paying attention to what they were saying until we heard something about an american woman. oops. Either way, that was super cool! Our team sported the stylish Vanderkitten jerseys as i didnt have my new team clothing yet.
The next two weekends are local races then
it is off to Treviso, Italy for the first round of the World Cup. Afterwards we are going to Venice for a couple of days to be tourists - on bikes so we can still get in the training rides since the following weekend is GVA's Citadel van Namen. I am writing an article on the event for CYCLOCROSS Magazine at some point soon so keep an eye on it!
On a side note, I want to wish Bart Wellens a speedy recovery. I just heard on the radio that he has a chronic fatigue type of virus. That sucks. He said that means no races, no training, no nothing for him. And he just told the press recently that this is the best preparation he's ever done for cross season.
Thanks for reading.
She is a beauty! The bike ;)Nothing like a new bike!
Good luck as always I want you to have the worlds Championship on your "CV" haha! You know what I mean. Bring home the hardware and the euro's.
Those brake cables? How do you do that, under the hoods? I want that on the Rock Lobster!
you are an inspiration so keep us posted on your races! go peanut!
your bike is so hot...those gold links, want one!
The bike looks great, and you are right, looks matter! Ride well!
Wow! Nice bike…
I’ve been lusting after some magnesium Eurox for months now, with that natty little adjuster thingie!
It looks real cool and I’ll bet it looks great on you!
Great shot of Jonas setting stuff up for you. It must be brilliant having someone to do the wrenching for you. Maybe he can advise me on stopping my squealing brakes? I run the cheap Eurox.
So did Veerle (how do you pronounce that?) get your kit?
Nice work on getting the Persil stuff. Great well thought out prize for a ‘crosser in an MTB race, eh? 2nd place. Awesome!
So the new season starts here. Will you be racing with your new team mate at all your races or just select ones, I guess it may change the whole dynamic of the race for you.
I don’t envy you the drive to Italy (actually I do), but the cruise control should make things a little easier. Have fun. Forza!
As for Bart Wellens, yeah I wish him a speedy recovery. It’s a fine line between optimal and over training. I hope he has caught it before it got too far. They say that enforced rest is often the best kind.
Oh yeah and I am so jealous on the new Shimano levers... Tidy :(
O+ Rocks
interesting blog 'master'. I'd suggest no-one opein it their boss (or significant other) is standing behind them.
Thanks all! Don, they are the new ultegra 2010 shifters made to tuck the cables under the bar tape.
hey chris - yes veerle got my supersized clothing. What is a blog master?
The new bike is Smokin! I'm a little behind, so shoot me an email when you find the time and tell me about the sponsorship new team ect. I am so happy for you. Nemo gets new wheels here in a few days. Was going to get Easton EA 90 SLXs, but caught another deal on the old trusty Easton Orion IIs which are what I have now minus the front one I trashed in my bridge crash. I am so proud of you sticking with it. I do the Challenge Tour De Cure for Diabetes century October 3rd.
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