I am now coming to realize that every single woman with whom i race has some sort of secret weapon, whether it be a training method, magic pill or energy drink, genetic prowess such as naturally high hematocrit or humongous lungs. Well, i just found my very own weapon. It was in the United Airlines Sky Mall magazine.
Whaddya think? It'll give me more time to get my writing gigs done, surf the internet, hang out on Oude Markt drinking Kasteel Bier and eating speculaas.
Um.. Christine... I don't think its a secret anymore.
Just sayin'...
i thought PRO race bikes were expensive...
that pic is upside down.
Sky Mall is the only magazine subscription anyone will ever need.
...looks like it was designed by tomas de torqeumada...gets you fit & gets you answers...
...my apologies to mr torquemada...hope there won't be an inquisition into my spelling habits...
ctodd: I guess i shouldn't have given away my secret. Must find a new one...but then again, how many pro FEMALE bike racers do you know who can pay such an exorbitant amount of cash for an ass-backwards shot in the dark.
gewilli: Pro race bikes are not expensive - they're normally free.
m-coco: the machine can be used upside down as well.
dave: I agree -super cool gadgets, all of which i didn't know i needed until i saw them!
BGW: Yes, inquisition is sure to be associated with this machine, spanish that is!
...re: yer response to gewilli...talk about coy, jeez, that is the ultimately great vanderkitten cross chick remark...funny stuff...ME-OOWW !!!...
Hi Christine, Greetings from Finland! Wishing you all the best for the Cross season. here in Finland we are waiting for snow, we'll see if I get to go skiing some day soon. Hope to hear from you, take care. Lots of love, Tiina
PRO bikes for PROs are free...
if say someone ELSE wanted to ride said pro bike...
it certainly ain't free...
if you find some deal other wise where some guy like me can ride a PRO bike for free, with all that custom geometry tweaking? Lemme know...
I suppose your only option to have a bike made for a pro is to go to a race venue and steal it like some folks do. (I think you only have two options - ryan or barry. haha.)
Peanut: if the bike is free for pros - wouldn't the "secret weapon" be free too??
Gotta spend those sponsorship dollars somewhere, no!?
Great idea! i'll give them a call in the morning for sponsorship. That IS what you meant, right?
Of course!
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