I am not really a holiday kind of gal - aside from my birthday - but in the spirit of giving, i am giving you all a good laugh. This photo was taken in my teens when i went through that ill-advised permed hairdo phase.
Tomorrow morning I leave for Koksijde, Belgium for the next round of the World Cup circuit. We will see if my hard training lately will pay off so quickly. There is probably some truth, though, to Jonas' comment yesterday that if all it took was a month of hard work to be at the top level of racing, then everyone would be a pro. He may be right but still my fingers are crossed and my motivation is high.
...good luck & hey...you look like the lead guitar in what was that glam-rock bands name ???...you know the one...
i dont know what you're talking about...
My my that photo is massive, maybe it needs to be to fit THAT hair in!!! Awesome! Come to think about it I think I used to date you!
RE: Thanksgiving, "Is it like a day of mourning over there in UK?" no, that's Independence Day! We have a kind of thanksgiving in August/September, called Harvest Festival, an unofficial thing really and like most things that should be celebrated in this country it's played down with no chance of a holiday!
Race fast this weekend!
Have a great race Saturday-will give you a shout out if I make it down.
I used to date me too. Well, not really. I was briefly dating a guy who looked exactly like me, including the hair. it got too weird for me so i had to end it - that and he couldnt get my name right. He kept calling me kristin.
Yeah, i guess thanksgiving is a day of mourning for the native americans - those who are left.
Hey velopix, hope you can make it down!
Yes, we all had a perm phase that is unfortunate. Those pictures are the chief reason I'll never run for public office.
Happy Turkey Day!
I have now taken to longer hair. I know now the ladies like it too. (especially in the over 50 group especially when the usual over 50 has an open patch on top) In fact last night at the local drinking hole she (shhhh)ran her fingers through it and said I wish it were a bit longer.
Ok I am really confused now. There is something about the longer hair on you. Damn you are...phew Sorry ! I lost it for a minute. Hi jonas hehe Oh be good now!
I'm thinking David Coverdale from White Snake.
I'm a cowboy,
On an 'Aluminium' horse, I ride
And I'm wanted
Dead or Alive.
I use to have beautiful long hair that was below my belt when I was 17. My dad before that gave all of us boys a military crew cut and we would complain until one day he just gave up on our hair, so we all grew it as long as we could. Now I am bald for what ever reason, probably carma... ha, and now I have to ask my dad to give me a hair cut which is kind of like poetic justice. I send you a photo.
"I've ridden everywhere
And still I'm standing tall
I've seen a million veggies
And I cooked them all.
That photo is awesome!!
Dear Anon:
Are we talking miami vice length? If so, dont forget to raise the waist on the pants to reach the boobs and cinch the leather belt really tight. Gotta go for the full look. Or the long AC/DC hair? Thick face makeup go well with it. Then there is fabio...although for most it would be flabio. Do show us photos once it is grown out. teehee. Love hair - such an easy way to instantly get a new look.
Hey nathan
I'd like to say i was going for something as ambitious as White Snake but it was more mundane than that. I was trying to mimick my older sister.
OK CHR15 and GCD, from where is the poetry?
Parody of "Dead or Alive" by Bon Jovi. ROCK ON!!!!!
you have hair like that yet feign ignorance of The Jovi??? Something is awry!
you have a sister???
I was not a cool rock-n-roll kid. I listened to Depeche mode, House martins, REM, Replacements, Rush, Billy Joel, Beatles, Madonna. Oh, wait, there was a rock group - Styx. I cant really tell you what much of those musicians look like though. I think i purchased 4 CD's and 3 cassettes my whole life. i just never got around to taking a strong interest in music.
It is snowing here. I took the day off from work. Now I am having a large cup of hot coe coe. Nemo wants a new seat for christmas, but I'm thinking maybe, bike trainer....
ahhhh Nostaglia
8-Track tapes - that must be nostalgic for some folks. i was just talking about them with jonas and his dad yesterday. They said they never heard of them.
rickie - if you can afford both, do that. A comfy saddle is very important as is training indoors on crappy days or riding the trainer in the evening following a hard ride when your legs are super mega sore.
Try listening to Iron Butterfly "Ina Goda Davida" on an 8 track. Nothing like hearing that 'click' and switching to the next track right in the middle of the organ solo.
My brother even had an 8 track player in his car.
Whoops. Make that In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida.
"Yes, we all had a perm phase that is unfortunate. Those pictures are the chief reason I'll never run for public office. "
speak for your self... i've never had a perm...
long hair? Yes and it is true - chicks dig the Longer hair... but man is it a pain in the ass to deal with always getting in the way... who cares if it looks good...
I see that shot and for some reason Scorpions comes to mind (the band not the creepy sting you think)
I remember watching a movie on those oversized records. Half way through North by Northwest i had to change the record. Strange to change it for a movie. Strange but not as much as hearing the click in the middle of organ solo. You think they'd have the technology or common sense to work it out differently.
Scorpions? I will look them up on internet now. You are one of the lucky few Gewilli that you dont have to care what you look like since you are already married to a beautiful gal. Even so, let's see the long hair photo. Post it on your blog so we can all take a look.
and dont forget to take part in the "lance comeback" poll i just put up on my blog.
Just wanted to make a prediction. Lance will race the Giro de Italia and try to win. He will also race the Tour de France, but will show great sportsmanship and support Alberto Contador. Just a thought.
good thought rickie. I just dont see lance being that selfless for 23 days straight. I voted on the poll too.
Road biking as opposed to mountain bike racing, and from what I have noticed in cyclocross, is a team oriented sport. There have been countless anonymous atheletes that actually made the big time winners, winners. Regardless, it is still competition, and if others can win, let them prove it. Take the sprint endings; they don't seem that friendly, and in fact are very aggressive. If they made a cartoon where chip and dale, the chimpmunks were racing, it would be, "You first." Oh no, by all means, you first." No no no, you go first.... " They have always been so polite and un selfish.
let's see the long hair photo
i put a link up on the blog just for you (third paragraph)...
29 comments... who are you? Liz Hatch???
Make that 31. the key to lots of comments is to keep big gaps between the posts...or to post compromising photos of yourself (like this one.)teehee
Wanna make it 32?
32? 32? do I hear 32? At the back, 32. Sold to the girl at the back with the eighties metal band hair!
Here I am for 33! Even if i grew the hair back it wont bring back the 80's though.Maybe it's time for a new post. I could write about my ride today. In the middle of it, we rode on a cycling track. It was clearly just for training since it is circled around a soccer field and is not kept up very well but i do look forward to going back again - maybe for a hard workout. it could be lots of fun to take the banks at speed!
wow! I thought, maybe, you were immune to that 80's plague known as the perm (and still holding out in many pockets of the N.E. US)....thanks! that made my day
Wouldn't be a "Liz Hatch" commentary list without a call for someone to show some knockers. C'mon Gewilli, pop your top.
Figured I go for 36.
...i used to be 37 but i'm much older now...
...btw, what's your e-address...it used to be on the i.j. site but i couldn't find it...i'll send you a "mind-blowing, '70's bgw, the early years" foto...
don't push it - there's a photo of me from Great Glen... just wearing my bib shorts and rubber boots...
pretty scary - word has it was floating around facebook (but I don't go there so i can't confirm)...
oh - meant to say #39...
but then this makes 40...
at least i'm a year or two or three away from being 40...
I hear Georgia is coming to town!
Yay, teenage rampage Peanut :)
What town is that, CHR?
Gewilli - SHOW US THE BOOBS! i cant find it on facebook.
BBW: Did you see my article today in GVA or Het Belang van Limburg?
Aha! Georgia is coming HERE! That is EXCELLENT news! I understand her dedication to mtb but now that olympics are over it is great to see that she can dedicate some focus on cx. she is so incredibly talented at it.
50 is looming!
it is now closer than before...time for a new post.
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