surely happy to be home! I went to training camp expecting to be physically exhausted from hard work on the bike, but instead my head hurt most from trying to learn a whole language in a week! The only person i could count on for translation was my finnish teammate Tiina. Otherwise I was on my own. Once it was obvious

Sorry for not updating the blog sooner but for some unknown reason i was unable to update my blog from the computers we had access to at training camp. For the next few days, I will be making up for all the attempted posts! If you don't want to wait and are interested in giving your french a go, visit our TEAM WEBSITE for coverage of team presentation and training camp.
Thanks for reading!
Hi flandria:
Sorry but i deleted your comment by accident and don't know how to get it back. But i did read it and wholeheartedly agree with you that are team kits...are strange!
When i saw them last year I called them the cows - heck, we all did. But the spots are actually prunes (pruim in dutch). On a positive note, we are not forced to wear yellow which is unflattering on almost everyone AND we are easily spotted in a race - can't miss the spots! haha.
Hi Peanut! Sorry...I deleted it because I had second thought that it might have been or could be a rude comment...apologies
It's hard to write a comment and really not know how another person (specially if I don't know them!) would react even if I meant as in a jokingly or good thingy...
your comment made me feel better...
but seriously...how lucky of you to be in the land of awesome racing!
Welcome back to the land of the living...looks like I'll be at 3Daagse West Vlaanderen over the second weekend in March. Can I buy you a coffee if nearby?
I'd LOVE a free cup of coffee! The only problem is that i don't have a car and the 3 daagse WV is an hour away by car - something i don't have.
I am not sure what my training will be for those days but if i have a long one, I can ride my bike there. I live in Vlaams-Brabant region - 20km east of Brussels. Or let me know if you're headed out in this direction!
Will do...I think I'm coming in Thursday afternoon to Brussels and leaving Monday afternoon from Antwerp. But it might be the other way around. In any case, I'll keep you posted and do my best to get out your way.
Will be in town all weekend, staying in Tielt. Monday I don't catch the outbound train from Midi until 8 in the evening. So let's try to orient on Brussells Monday, if that suits you. Looking forward to it!
peanut blog on Baldwin!
You ladies look great all bunched together. (Kind of stylish, like pleated pants) A suggestion, some should have Green leg warmers and some black, then the team Kit would be complete. Hehe!
Seriously the best part of the group picture, you all are smiling! Go Prunes!
OK Olaf. I have given "peanut blog on baldwin" a lot of thought and i STILL cannot figure out what that means.
Can you give me a hint? What is a baldwin? As in baldwin brothers? Nobody knows those stories...except for a select few!!
the other Baldwin ...
not the time trialist
the typist
not the ameriPro
the euroBeaux
the other Baldwin
of Russkie blood and Bronx vocab.
get some scoop
at Omloop
and maybe a pic or two,
of that scrubby fool.
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